

Jawline fillers and injections

Depending on your aesthetic goals, you would use Botulinum toxin , fillers or both.

Jawline filler gives your jaw area a more defined look. Filler is injected underneath the skin in the jawline area. The filler plumps up the skin. You get smoother-looking skin that looks more youthful.

Jawline filler will :

  • Add volume to your jawline.
  • Create a more defined separation between your jawline and neck.
  • Give your jawline a sharper angle.
  • Have a more youthful appearance.
  • Make your jawline more symmetrical.
  • Reduce the effects of aging like sagging skin and wrinkles.
  • Smooth creases or fine lines in your jaw.

Jawline botulinium injections are also offered . It helps with countouring and slimmining of the jawline. The countouring is not permanent and depending on how many units of botulinium toxin is used , the results may last from 4 months to a year.

Prices starts from £150 for botulinium injections and from £250 for fillers