Smile Lines/Nasolabial Folds


Smile lines also called parentheses lines, or nasolabial folds, are the lines that appear around your mouth when you smile or make other facial expressions.

These lines extend from the outer corners of the nose down to the outer corners of the mouth. The appearance of these lines occurs in every individual, which is why treatment for smile lines is so common.

Depending on your aesthetic goals, you would use Botulinum toxin, dermal fillers or both .

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are an excellent option for treating mild to severe laugh lines. Many of these injectable serums contain hyaluronic acid, which works to smooth and soften wrinkles by adding volume to the affected area. The result is a naturally youthful appearance, and you’ll notice a difference right away. Perhaps the best part about dermal fillers is the effects can last up to a year! We offer a range of these injectable fillers, and our team can help you find the right solution to address your concerns

Prices starts from £250

Botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin works to stop wrinkles in their tracks, not only helping to smooth and soften existing wrinkles but also helping to prevent the formation of new ones

Botulinum toxin relaxes the muscle and smooths fine lines around the mouth. It also helps to stop the appearance of new wrinkles that would have been caused by continued muscle movement. The results of Botulinum toxin injection takes a few days to appear but can last for several months depending on how many units of Botulinum toxin is used.

Prices starts from £150